

  • 2019–2022 Lexical-semantics database of Czech; Technology Agency of the Czech Republic; co-researcher; chief researcher Aleš Klégr
  • 2016–2017 Structures of the languages of the world, University development fund, Charles University, chief researcher
    » Languages of the world [moodle - project outcome]
    » Structure of Dolgan [moodle - project outcome]
  • 2013 Reduced forms in Czech as an instance of language evolution; internal grant at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, co-researcher, chief researcher Magdalena Zíková.
    » Colloquim on language change [project outcome]
  • 2013 Inovation of the course Lexical semantics, University development fund of the Czech Ministry of Education, chief researcher, co-researcher Mirjam Fried.
    » moodle
  • 2010–2013 The Educational Curriculum of a Modern Grammar of Czech for Master and Doctoral Students of Philological Disciplines; EU operational programme, external participant of the project, directed by Prof. Oldřich Uličný (Palacký University, Olomouc)
    » webpage
    » Studie k moderní mluvnici češtiny [project outcome]
  • 2008–2009 Critical Analysis and Publication of the Work of Professor Pavel Novák; chief researcher of the specific research programme of the Charles University Grant Agency

    » project and book presentation



Správce stránek: Jan Křivan. Vyrobeno pomocí PSPad.