Úvod do unifikačních gramatik - Introduction to unification grammars

suggestion for those interested in formal linguistic theories (can be taken in parallel, only in the summer semester):


  1. Introduction: the merits of constraint-based grammar formalisms for theoretical linguistics and natural language processing, an overview of assumptions
  2. A comparison of constraint-based linguistic theories: GPSG, LFG, CUG, HPSG
  3. Formalisms for HPSG and their possibilities, RSRL
  4. Solutions proposed within HPSG to some linguistic phenomena: valence, agreement, modification by adjuncts, function words, syntactic control, unbounded dependencies, inflection and derivation, word order, topic-focus articulation, binding, semantic interpretation; comparison to solutions proposed within alternative theories
  5. Methods of implementation, grammar writing in systems Attribute-Logic Engine (ALE), ConTroll, LKB, TRA LE

    Alexandr Rosen