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Ing. Alexandr Rosen, Ph.D. ,
Ústav teoretické a komputační lingvistiky FF UK,
Celetná 13, Praha 1, tel. 224491858, e-mail:



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SEMINÁRNÍ PRÁCE: možná témata zde

"Perspectives on Machine Translation": a special Machine Translation supplement to issue #62 of Multilingual Computing & Technology. Available at: http://www.multili

Základní literatura: učební text (bude k dispozici pro účastníky kursu)

Doplňující literatura:

Giovanni Battista Varile and Antonio Zampolli (eds.) (1996) Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology, zejména kapitola 8 a 13, on-line: http://cslu.cse.ogi.ed u/HLTsurvey/HLTsurvey.html
Eduard Hovy, Nancy Ide, Robert Frederking, Joseph Mariani, Antonio Zampolli (eds.) (1999) Multilingual Information Management: Current Levels and Future Abilities, zejména kapitola 4, 5 a 7, on-line: People/ref/mlim/index.html
Arnold, D. a kol. (1994) Machine translation: An introductory guide. Blackwell, Oxford. též on-line: Arnold et al. (94)
John Hutchins (1999) Compendium of machine translation software: commercial machine translation systems and computer-aided translation support tools EAMT Hutc hins (99)
Hutchins, W.J. (1986) Machine translation: past, present, future. Ellis Horwood, Chichester.
Nagao, M. (1989) Machine Translation - How Far Can It Go? Oxford University Press.
Schwanke, M. (1991) Maschinelle Übersetzung: ein Überblick über Theorie und Praxis. Springer, Berlin.
Hutchins, W.J. & Somers, H.L. (1992) An Introduction to Machine Translation. Academic Press, London.
Kay, M. a kol. (1994) VERBMOBIL: A Translation System for Face-to-Face Dialog, CSLI Lecture Notes 33, Stanford.
Véronis, J. (ed.) (2000): Parallel Text Processing: Alignment and Use of Translation Corpora, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London
Hajičová, E. a kol. (1982) Učíme stroje česky. Panorama, Praha.
Kirschner, Z. (1987) APAC3-2: An English-to-Czech Machine Translation System. Explizite Beschreibung der Sprache und automatische Textbearbeitung  XIII, MFF UK Praha.
Kirschner, Z. (1988) A Dependency-Based Analysis of English for the Purpose of Machine Translation, 2nd edition. Explizite Beschreibung der Sprache und automatische Textbearbeitung IX, MFF UK Praha.
O tom, jak spojit paralelní texty, překladové paměti a systémy strojového překladu:
Oliver Streiter,Michael Carl, Johann Haller (Editors): Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (IAI Working Paper No. 35) - najdete zde
I. Dan Melamed: Empirical Methods for Exploiting Parallel Texts `This book lays out the theory and the practical techniques for discovering and applying translational equivalence at the lexical level. It is a start-to-finish guide to designing and evaluating many translingual applications.' MIT Press, 2001
Evaluace: The ISLE Classification of Machine Translation Evaluations (ISLE = International Standards for Language Engineering): language/mteval/
některé zajímavé články on-line:
Martin Kay Machine Translation: The Disappointing Past and Present
Alan K. Melby Should I use machine translation?
Kevin Knight Automating Knowledge Acquisition for Machine Translation (AI Magazine 18/4) - postscript, úvod do strojového překladu statistickými metodami
Kevin Knight A Statistical MT Tutorial Workbook" (unpublished) - rtf
John Hutchins Translation Technology and the Translator (Machine Translation Review, ISSN 1358-8346 No.7, April 1998 - pages 7-14)
Michael Benis TRANSLATION MEMORY FROM O TO R - review of Translation Memory systems, first published in ITI Bulletin around 1998
Michael Benis How the memory measured up - Extended comparative review of Translation Memory products part 2, first published in ITI Bulletin in 1999

periodika: Machine Translation (4x ročně, Kluwer Publishers), MT News International (3x ročně, European Association for MT, Association for MT in the Americas)

sborníky: konference MT Summit, International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation, COLING

některé www stránky (další odkazy najdete na stránce se záložkami):

    TransRef - a reference point for the world of translation and technology, with a special focus on CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tools
    kurs Marka Johnsona o strojovém překladu na Brownově universitě
    Rivendell's list of on-line translation services, dictionaries and much more!

    Výzkumné instituce, mezinárodní organisace apod.:

    EAMT - European Association for Machine Translation
    CMT/CMU - Center for Machine Translation at Carnegie Mellon University
    USC/ISI - Natural Language Processing group at University of Southern California

    Firmy (MT):

    Softissimo translation programs

    Firmy (CAT):

    WordFast (pro PC i Macintosh)
    Deja Vu
    Star (Transit/TermStar)

    České firmy:

    Eurotran 98, Microtran 98: překlad z angličtiny do češtiny, též po síti a též pro webovské stránky
    Skik 4.0 překlad mezi češtinou a angličtinou/němčinou

diskusní skupiny:


Alexandr Rosen - výuka
Ústav teoretické a komputační lingvistiky FF UK - výuka

Alexandr Rosen
